jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

The phases of the moon

Hi everyone!

Seguimos con repaso de Social Science. Vamos a repasar las cuatro fases principales de la Luna. Here goes!


The moon goes around the Earth. As it goes around, the Sun lights up the moon and it looks as if it is changing shape. These different shapes are called "the phases of the moon".

Top-down view of Earth  and Moon, with Sun in the distance. Four Moons are shown, equally space around Earth. Each moon is lit on only the side facing the sun.
This is what we would see from space.

Same image as above, but this one adds drawings of how the Moon looks at each position as seen from Earth.
This is what we see from Earth.

New Moon:
it looks almost completely dark! 
New Moon is totally dark.
First Quarter:
we can see half of the Moon. It looks like a letter D.
First Quarter Moon is lit only on the left-hand side.
Full Moon:
we can see the whole Moon. It has a round shape.
full Moon is a complete circle, with the sun shining directly on the side we see.
Third Quarter:
we can see half of the Moon. It looks like a letter D, but backwards!
the Third Quarter Moon is lit on the right-hand side.

Os dejo una imagen de una actividad que podéis hacer con galletas para ver cómo va cambiando la luna en sus diferentes fases:

Here is a lovely story about the Moon, by Eric Carle:

También hemos aprendido que mientras en un lado de la Tierra es de día, en el otro es de noche, y que cambia cada 24 horas porque es lo que tarda la Tierra en rotar sobre sí misma.

On the side of the Earth that faces the Sun it is day. On the other side it is night. We sleep at night and wake up in the day. It takes the Earth 24 hours to rotate on its axis.

Here is a great video about day and night:

martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

The Solar System... again!

Hi everyone!

Unit 1 in Social Science is about the Solar System. 

  • The Sun is at the centre of the Solar System and the planets move around it.

  • Image result for the sun is a star
    • The Sun is a star.

    Image result for the earths is a planet
    • The Earth is a planet.

    Image result for satellite of a planet
    • A satellite moves around a planet or a star.

    Image result for the moon
    • The Moon is the Earth's satellite.

    And two videos we like :)

    Bye my friends!